Cove Battle 5 791x592 |
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If you want to send a screenshot you can send it to
If you write in the mail your player name and your screenshot is choosen to be exposed here, you'll get a reward of 5.000 gold coins that will be put in your bank.
The screenshots submitted must fulfill the following requirements:
- It must be a screenshot where only the game window is shown (the square where the game is played)).
- It must be compressed in .jpg format with good quality.
- It must be spectacular, funny or memorable.
- It should not contain profanity, etc.
For those who do not have a specific program, or do not know very well how to do this, we offer the following open source and free distribution software. You just have to unzip it and run it anywhere. It will be opened in the taskbar next to the system clock. Right click it and select the "capture region" option, and the mouse will turn into a cross which will allow you to select the game window clicking and draging. The image will be saved in the Desktop ready to be submitted.
You can download the program here: