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We use this skill to fabricate tools and other useful objects. Also you can use it to turn the piedras de poder into joyería mágica. Combined with other skills like carpentry or magery we can create other objects like runes or potions dispensators.

Skill Hardness

Nivel5.gif 5

Crafteable Items

Image Item Resources Necessary Skill
Bisagramuelle.jpg Springs 1 Iron Ingot 13.7
Tijeras.gif Scissors 4 Iron Ingot 14.5
Engranajes.jpg Gear 1 Iron Ingot 14.7
Bisagra.jpg Hinge 1 Iron Ingot 14.8
Costurero.jpg Sewing Box 2 Iron Ingot 18.8
Pala.jpg Shovel 4 Iron Ingot 20.0
Botellavac.gif Empty bottle 2 Iron Ingot 21.3
Mortero.jpg Mortar 3 Iron Ingot 23.3
Llavero.jpg Key Chain 2 Iron Ingot 30.0
Tablero.jpg Backgammon Board 3 tables 30.0
Tableroajedrez.jpg Chess Board 3 Iron Ingot 30.0
Muelles.jpg Axis 1 Iron Ingot 30.4
Cajadereloj.jpg Clock Case 6 logs 30.4
Bisagramuelle.jpg Springs with Hinge 2 Logs 30.4
Piezasreloj.jpg Clock pieces 1 Iron Ingot 30.5
Sextante.jpg Sextant 1 Sextant Piece 30.7
Lija.gif Molder 3 Tables, 1 Iron Ingot 30.7
Moldeador.gif Sandpaper 4 Logs 30.7
Reloj.gif Clock 1 Clock Case, 1 Clock Piece 30.7
Moldeador.gif Assembler 4 Logs 30.8
Partessextante.jpg Sextant Piece 3 Iron Ingot 31.0
Sierra.jpg Sierra 5 Iron Ingot , 1 Log 31.3
Sierrafina.jpg Fine Saw 3 Iron Ingot , 1 Log 33.2
Hachatalar.gif Lumberjacking Axe 4 Iron Ingot 33.9
Herramientas.gif Tools 4 Iron Ingot 35.0
Cajametal2.jpg Metal Box 5 Iron Ingot , 5 Logs 40.0
Arosbarril.jpg Barrel Rings 4 Iron Ingot 42.0
Calices.gif Calices 3 Iron Ingot 42.0
Jarro.jpg Jar 3 Iron Ingot 42.0
Escupidera.gif Spittoon 3 Iron Ingot 42.0
Pico.gif Pillory 4 Iron Ingot , 1 Log 42.1
Ganzua.gif Lock picks 1 Iron Ingot 48.5
Pandereta.gif Tambourine 1 Iron Ingot , 2 Tables 50.0, 60.0 Musicianship
Tambor.gif Drum 1 Leather, 5 Tables 51.0, 65 Musicianship
Tapabarril.jpg Griffin 1 Iron Ingot 52.0
Martillogrande.jpg Big Hammer 4 Iron Ingot 54.1
Barril.jpg Barrel 12 Logs 56.0
Dados.gif Dice 3 Logs 60.0
Bolacanon.jpg Gumboil 10 Iron Ingot 70.0
Cajametal.jpg Metal Chest 20 Iron Ingot 75.0
Kegpotas.jpg Potion Keg 1 Barrel Ring, 1 Griffin, 8 Tables 85.0
Runa.gif Blank Rune 1 Caléndula, 1 Iron Ingot , 1 Table 100.0, 70 Magery, 40 Carpentry
Tablillarunica.gif Runic Splint 20 Caléndulas, 10 Iron Ingot , 10 Logs of Tree Shepherds 100.0, 100.0 Magery, 100.0 Carpentry, 115.0 Inscription
Dispensadorpotas.gif Potion Dispenser 100 Tables, 2 Leather from the Desert Monkey (Cut),100 Iron Ingot 100.0, 70.0 de Tailoring, 100.0 de Carpentry.
Candado.gif Padlock 2 Titanium Ingots, 2 Iron Ingot 108.0
Caldero.jpg Cauldron 10 Iron Ingot ,10 Titanium Ingots. 115.0

How to raise your Tinkering skill?

To macro this Skill we have a lot of possibilities, because, we have many objects that we can create that spends little amount of materials and you can sell almost every one. We will need a lot of iron ingots. The only macro we will need is LastObject/LastTarget.


This macro is for Eenas:

KEY [F7] (Last Object; Tinker tools in the backpack)
WAIT 500
DLC X Y (The localization of the tinker menu of the object we want to create)
WAIT 3000

It is possible that we will need 2 locations, according to our ability, because we will be able to create more objects and the menu change. Example:

KEY [F7] (Last Object; Tinker tools in the backpack)
WAIT 500
DLC X Y (The localization of the tinker menu )
WAIT 500
DLC X Y (The localization of the tinker sub-menu of the object we want to create)
WAIT 2000

Entrenador WoD

This Macro is for Entrenador WoD:

KEY F7 (Last Object; Tinker tools in the backpack)
WAIT 500
DLCLICK X Y (The localization of the tinker menu of the object we want to create)
WAIT 3000

It is possible that we will need 2 locations, according to our ability, because we will be able to create more objects and the menu change. Example:

KEY F7 (Last Object; Tinker tools in the backpack)
WAIT 500
DLCLICK X Y (The localization of the tinker menu )
WAIT 500
DLCLICK X Y The localization of the tinker sub-menu of the object we want to create.)
WAIT 2000