Tailoring (Armors)

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The raw material for this tipe of armors are the leather of the dragons and then a good crafter to craft them.

Warning To make the Armors you will have to cut the leather to see the menu and the shields requieres apart from dragon leather, 5 boards.

Image Leather Armor Shield (GM Parrying) Skill Need
Tunica fuego.JPG Fire Dragon 65 Armor --- 75.0
File:ArmorHL.JPG Werewolf 67 Armor --- 90.0
Tunica verde.JPG Green Dragon 83 Armor 30 Armor 80.0
Tunica rojo.JPG Red Dragon 92 Armor 35 Armor 80.0
Tunica blanco.JPG White Dragon 97 Armor (+1 Magic Resistance by piece) 32 Armor (+4 Magic Resistance) 102.0, 101.0 Carpentry (Only the shield)
File:ArmorHLgris.JPG Gray Werewolf 99 Armor --- 110.0
File:Armorminotauro.JPG Minotaur 101 Armor (+1 of STR for every piece equiped) --- 100.0
Tunica yeti.JPG Yeti 104 Armor --- 100.0
File:Armordracoagua.JPG Water Dragon 111 Armor --- 112.0
File:ArmorHLblanco.JPG White Werewolf 123 Armor --- 117.0
Tunica marino.JPG Marine Dragon 124 Armor --- 125.0
File:Tunica piedra.JPG Stone dragon 124 Armor --- 128.0 (if the part is bonified, apart increase strenght stat as the same as the bonus) Ex: Stone Tunic +3 increases 3 str when equip
Tunica hielo.JPG Ice Dragon 150 Armor --- 100.0
File:Armordragonhielocruel.JPG Marine Dragon + 1 Diablo's Scale + 1 magic armor each time you kill a player --- 130.0, and 110.0 Arms Lore