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This skill is used to obtain ores from the mines. For that we need a pickaxe or a shovel, we double click the pickaxe or shovel and we click the mine floor to mine. This skill is also necessary to transform the ores in ingots with a forge.

Skill Hardness

Nivel7.gif 7


Image Ore Requirements
Hierro.gif Iron 5.0
Cobre.gif Copper 30.0
Oro.gif Gold 35.0
Hierroviejo.gif Rusty 40.0
Cobreviejo.gif Old Copper 40.0
Rose.gif Rose 40.0
Cobreapagado.gif Dull Copper 42.0
Sombra.gif Shadow 45.0
Plata.gif Plate 45.0
Agapite.gif Agapite 50.0
Verite.gif Verite 55.0
Bronce.gif Bronze 65.0
Valorite.gif Valorite 68.0
Rocasangre.gif Bloodrock 75.0
Mytheril.gif Mytheril 75.5
Rocanegra.gif Blackrock 80.0
Titanio.gif Titanium 90.0
Elfico.gif Elfic 95.0
Demoniaco.gif Demonic 100.0
Gromril.gif Gromril 115.0 *
Tourmel.gif Tourmel 137.0
Moonstone.png Moonstone 145.0 *
Furium.png Furium 150.0

  • Gromril can be mined by all races, (The Dwarf is better mining it than other races)
  • Moonstone can only be mined during full moon nights (from 20:00 to 0:00)

How to raise your Mining skill?

The easiest way to improve mining is smelting separated ores or separated bottles, to do this we need two macro, one to separate and other to smelt.

Sindarin & Eenas

First we have to put ores in a location to separate them to another location with the next macro of Sindarin that lets us separate them one by one.

DRAG 1 [X1,Y1] [X2,Y2]

X1 and Y1 are the locations were the ores are to separate them, X2 and Y2 are the locations were we want to leave the separated ores.

Once we have separated the ores, we go near a forge and we do a macro to double click the ores with Eenas.

DLC X Y (Double Click separated ores)
WAIT 500

And this it repeats until we don't have more ores and you push Stop.

Entrenador WoD

This macro is for Entrenador WoD:

First we have to put the ores in a location to separate them 1 by 1:


XXX is the locations were all the ores are to separate them, YYY is the location were we want to leave the separated ores.

Once we have separated the ores, we go near a forge and we do a macro to double click the ores with Entrenador WoD.

DLCLICK X Y (Double Click separated ores)
WAIT 500