Item identification

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Skill that will tell us what he's made an article and its estimated monetary value (vendor value). Also you can find out the level of a treasure map, and reveal Charms. 108.0 points is needed in Object Identification to identify Enchantments. To use this ability, use the skill, then click on the item you want to identify. Enhancing this skill above 100 thanks to the Power Scrolls, or Power Jewels we can identify or determine the level of difficulty of a treasure map.

With 120.0 on skill, we can see the effect of Gems and Runes before set it in a weapon.

Skill Hardness

Nivel1.gif 1

How to raise your Item identification skill?

It improves using as a target any item.

First you have to do a Macro in the OPTIONS tab of our Paperdoll:

Key F1:

UseSkill -> Item ID




An example for Autopilot.

We open the program and in the Macros tab we put the Key (In this example, F1) In the Script tab we put this:

send macro 1
wait 3 seconds

This way we are using Item ID every 3 seconds and it will loop until we push the Stop button.