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This skill will improve a percentage the dealt damage of a hand to hand combat; we can also use to make us an idea of the strength of your opponent. Passively increases the combat damage you deal, actively check the Dexterity and Strength of another player, animal, or monster. Leveraging this ability above 100 thanks to the Power Scrolls, we will increase the percentage of damage in melee even more with every point above 100, which is linear increasing.

Skill Hardness

Nivel1.gif 1

How to raise your Anatomy skill?

You can train this skill using you, another player or an animal as a target. We can improve it in house or in the Training Room. First you make a Macro on the tab OPTIONS of our Paperdoll

Key: what we want (for example F1)

UseSkill -> Anatomy



Note: The three actions must be in the same Key


An example for Autopilot.

We open the program and in the "Macros" tab we write the selected key (for example "x"). On the "Script" tab we put this:

send macro 1
wait 3 seconds

This way we will use our Anatomy skill every 3 seconds. It loops until we push the stop button.