1vs1 Tournaments

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There will be with potions and bandages and without them. You can read if they are allowed or not in the notice of the tournament. If they're not allowed the entry stone won't let you enter with them.

The days that potions and bandages are allowed and those when they're not are interleaved so that more or less there are the same events of one kind and another at different times.

The winners of these tournaments will earn two points for the Hall of Fame ranking (you can check it in the arena) and two points for the events prize stone, which is next to the Hall of Fame ranking. The runners-up of these tournaments will earn one point for the Ranking and one point to spend in the events prize stone.

For every round surpassed you will earn 5.000 gold coins.

Without Obstacles

Day 4: 20:00

Day 8: 19:30

Day 15: 23:30

Day 21: 21:30

Day 24: 20:00

Day 26: 18:30

Day 30: 20:30

With Obstacles

Días 5: 23:30

Day 11: 18:30

Day 19: 23:00

Day 28: 22:30


Day 1: 21:30

Day 6: 18:30

Day 16: 18:30

Day 23: 22:30