General options of Paperdoll

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In our Paperdoll, we find a general menu options presented by the game

In this order, from top to bottom, we find the following buttons:




It opens a submenu includes the following options:

-Send A page: This option is used to alert the staff of a fault of the game, a bug, or to remove certain objects of our own home, such as paper, dispensers or potions. Using this option is limited, and must be the last option in case of doubt. To clarify your doubts about the game, make use of [[1]] or knowledge of other players or email the staff at

-Links Menu: You open a submenu of important links to the official page server. You can redirect the server to the main forum page, or home page Wikiwod home page, depending on which option you choose.

-Server Status: Redirects to the server status page, where it shows players currently online, the graph of online players and the status over last 24 hours.

-Go To Gates Room: Starts a countdown in seconds from 30 to 0 at the end of which it returns you to the gates room. If you take damage during the countdown, or take a potion, the countdown is cancelled.


Open the Options menu of the game, which is detailed in this section: Game Options

Log Out

It offers you the option to exit the game, or cancel and return to the same


Opens / closes the Journal parchment, in which all your actions and conversations refrejan.


Open parchment Skills, where you can check the level of each skill and change the skill group in which you are, and also whether each particular skill is in climb mode (up arrow), down (down arrow), or static (lock) You can switch between these modes with a single click on its icon on the parchment, to the right of each skill. The up arrow indicates that using this ability, if successful, there will be opportunity to skill up. The down arrow indicates that using this ability, if successful, there will be possibility of lowering ability. The padlock indicates that as much as we use that ability, will always remain the same value.


This option is disabled.


Clicking between exchange between the state of Peace and War state, we can choose to attack someone, either player or NPC, or just select attack and, depending on the state in which we find ourselves.


Opens a submenu where double clicking opens a shortcut menu, which tells us in the bar graph hitpoints, stamina and mana we have, and a specific menu that determines: 'Your stat points of Strength, Intelligence, and Dexterity
-Hit Points, Stamina or Mana you have
-Armor Points
-Gold Available (The sum of the gold in your bank and your backpack).
-Sex Of our character.