Taste Identification

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Revision as of 19:46, 16 January 2013 by Furious-blade (Talk | contribs)

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This skill allows us to know is something is poisoned. It will tell us what kind of potion it is and if it is poisoned. If it has success, it will indicate what type of potion is (if the item is a potion), if is or not poisoned (if isn't a potion) or if is a camuflated potion in another.

Skill Hardness

Nivel2.gif 2

How to improve Taste Identification?

Select the skill and click a potion or any item.

First you have to do a Macr in the tap OPTIONS of our Paperdoll

Key F1 (for example)

UseSkill -> Item Identification




El siguiente ejemplo es para Autopilot.
Abrimos el programa y en la pestaña "Macros" escribimos la key que hemos elegido (pongamos "x"), ejemplo: #1 Unused X. En la pestaña "Script" pondremos lo siguiente:

send macro 1
wait 3 seconds

De esta manera enviaremos la orden de Usar la habilidad de degustación cada 3 segundos, al llegar al final, la macro reiniciará sola y seguirá repitiendose hasta que demos al "stop". (Los tiempos de espera de las macros son orientativos.