Options Menu

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Clicking on the "Options" our Paperdoll button it will open a submenu with the following tabs, by "Up / Down-Left / Right": Each section is a tab in the sub-menu.


Sound and Music

You can choose to activate or deactivate the music game, and volume, in addition to enable or disable the game SFX sounds or change the volume.

Macro Settings

To see how this works submenu, check the section Macro Options. At first it may be complex, but soon learn to set macros for options with the touch of a button. From opening doors to cast spells from the book of magic, to use the different Commands of the game available.


Show all emoticons used the game as well as the option to enable or disable the emoticons to show others if they are written.


As it is said in the tab, this menu system regulates the control of the game. You have these options:

-Hold down TAB key for combat, instead of tapping into toggle combat mode; If brands, you'll be in war mode only if you keep pressing the TAB key on the keyboard. If you deactivate it, whenever it switches between the pulses Peace and Gerra modes.

-Offset interface windows rather than perfectly stacking them. If you check this option, you open each container consecutively overwrite the previous letting be. If you turn this off, the containers are opened in the same position of the playing area, still see the same previously opened containers.

-Group health bars for a perfect alignment. If you activate this option, health bars shown on the characters will join to form a single unit to bring them closer to each other.

-Enable "Always Run" option. If you enable this option, your character run instead of walking.

-Allow the mouse to move game window. If you enable this option, you can move the entire game window like any other window in your Operating System.

-Show the jewels equipped at the left side of your paperdoll. If you enable this option, you will see the gems that equips your character in real time in a small box of 4 holes (one per gem) on your paperdoll.

-Show numbers in your player's status bar. If you activate this, in the Character Status menu on your graphics mode bar will show the exact points that your character has about Life, Stamina, and Mana.

-Show the numbers in your player's status bars in a percentage. If you activate this, the standard of living of the other characters will be displayed as a percentage.

-Show other character's health status in a percentage. Checking this ocpión, instead of the exact points of Life, Resistance and Mana, the percentage of the total remaining of each is shown.


Sets the time of the text stays on the screen for the various options (by you or by other characters)

It also lets you choose the color to speak, or to express.

Reputation System

Allows you to configure how your character behaves to commit crimes, and to set the color of the name of the other characters according to their behavior in criminal acts. Differentiation is made between: -Innocent
-Someone who can be attacked in a town with guards
-Enemy clan

Also you can set the game asks you to confirm before performing a criminal act.


Allows you to choose between:

-Save text log file.

-Show The names of approaching players (when possible)

-Use Circle of transparency, and tune your radio. If you activate this, the walls of houses, roofs and some objects will become clear in a number of pictures around the player.

-Inform me when skills improve this much, (configurable).

-Inform me of increases and decreases of my own Stats

Ignore Players

Type in player's name who is bothering you and it will block all future chat that he/she says to you.