New house taxes system
Announcements, News, weaponry, houses, buildings, taxes, new stuff
We announced it a long time ago, but we’ve been prioritizing other things that we considered more important. The evolution of the economy required this new system now, so we shouldn’t delay it anymore. Here is the new taxes system.
With the new taxes sytem those players that have several houses, using everyones space, will pay more, and also those that have more items than the house limit. The houses that are placed in free-taxes areas won’t count for the extra of having several houses, as they’re not in a public area. The price of the biggest houses (Tower, Stone Keep and Castle) have been increased.
This will be the extra prices for having several houses:
1 house: The same taxes as before
2 houses: an extra 10%
3 houses: an extra 30%
4 houses: an extra 60%
5 houses: an extra 100%
6 houses: an extra 150%
7 houses or more: an extra 200%
So, players that have 7 or more houses will pay the triple in taxes (basic tax and number of items) than before. Those who have only one house won’t notice any change, and those who have 2 or 3 houses will notice a slight change.
When overpassing the allowed house item limit, for each item that overpasses the limit you will pay 2 gold coins per day. The tax before was 1 gold coin per day.
With this new system we hope the players will start using the houses in a more reasonable way, as there are a lot of players with more than 5 houses. If someone wants to mantain more than 5 houses at least he will help to improve the game’s economy.
To avoid all the problems with the new taxes system we’ve installed a new information menu. When you press on “Refresh this house” in the house menu, you will se a new menu with each element you have to pay to refresh the house listed point by point.
Also, we’ve included a new Armament Chest: The Extra Armament Chest. This new chest also will allow to mantain weapons and armors withouth being worn, and the items inside won’t count for the house items count. You can have all the Extra Armament Chest you want, but mantaining this chest will cost 150.000 gold coins per month, which will be paid when refreshing the house. You can buy this chest’s deed for 150.000 gold coins in the House Items Stone, in the Market. We hope that this new add-on will help to improve the economy also.
At last, we want to announce that this new taxes sytem will allow us to add new houses. We will have very soon new houses that you will be able to get in one out of these three ways:
- In the architect, for a higher price than the Castle
- New exclusive houses that will be purchased by donation
- Through auctions in the forum or ingame (and this house model could only be purchased this way)
We will offer more news very soon about the new houses, and also more new features.