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This skill is used to obtained logs or kindling from a tree. You must wear an axe or a two handed sword, double click in the weapon (it will show the mouse in a ring shape) then click on the tree you want to cut. If you use a dagger instead of an axe or sword, we will obtain branches instead of logs.

With this skill up to 105.0 you will be able to cut any tree you find in the forest and two special type of trees: Red Cedar and Tree Shepherds

Skill Hardness

Nivel8.gif 8

How to raise your Lumberjacking skill?

It is quite complicated to do a macro for this skill leaving the character unattended. The simpler option is to use a last object- last target macro every x seconds (depending on your skill).


Example Eenas:
KEY [F7]
wait 6000

Entrenador WoD

Example Entrenador WoD:

WAIT 6000

Until we run out of wood and we will have to change the tree. Instead of the axe you can use the dagger, you will use it more times in a tree than the axe (instead of logs you will obtain branches, with that you will macro Camping.